Morning Musume

1. Kamei Eri - No reason, I like her voice, I like her personality, please let her not be in a scandal. She's also really pretty. She works great with both long and short hair (like Yossy! ^_^) She's a great replacement for Miki in Shanimuni Paradise. I hope she gets leads in songs now. Her line in Onna ni Sachi Are was perfect. =] And her duet with Aika? L~O~V~E~L~Y.
2. Mitsui Aika - I didn't like her when she was auditioning, I remember rooting for someone BUT her, but after she's joined, she's made progress (more than the miracle ace, in my opinion). I saw her solo performance of Otoko Tomodachi, and she was off, but I think it's because she was nervous. I can somewhat hear the nervousness in her voice.
3. Michishige Sayumi - She might not be as good as some other singers, but she's very spunky and her determination can be seen now. She needs to drop the cute stage a bit and bring on the sexy stage. =] (Augh, I did NOT just say that...)
4. Tanaka Reina - Reina ranked higher than I thought. She has a good voice, but she needs to know how to control it and when to use it. Her recent performance in Shabondama isn't the best because to me, I hear the "cutesy" side trying to come out. She needs her Yankii side, and FAST. However, Reina's really pretty. I think my cousins kept pointing to her as the prettiest (I think, I don't really remember.)
5. Niigaki Risa - I like her for her deepish voice and it's Risa! She's adorable (yikes... should a person younger than her say that? -.-) Some people might say her personality is "faked" but, she's funny, not as much as Yossy, or the older generation members, but she has her moments. She needs more lines in songs.
6. Takahashi Ai - I admit, I like her singing, but she just ranks around the middle on the 25 members of Morning Musume. At the moment, her voice is the best in Morning Musume at the moment, but she's taking too many lines. However, I think her and Risa are interchangeable on my list. I guess it depends on my mood on how I look at them.
7. Qian Lin (Lin Lin) - I grew a liking to Lin Lin more than Jun Jun. I don't know why, I just like her better. I think I fell for her when I heard the previews of her singing Ki ga Tsukeba Anata and Thanks! *blinks* Things related to Matsuura Aya? The hell? Oh well. She was a born performer since she was young, she has modeled and done some acting jobs. I wonder how the Chinese feel about the pandas joining Morning Musume... (I was wondering why are two Chinese members joining Morning Musume, but right now, I'm fine with it because well they suit nicely into the group... maybe I can learn more Mandarin and Japanese. Yeah I know, no relevance at all.)
8. Li Chun (Jun Jun) - Seriously, if it was the 25 members, I don't think Jun Jun would be this low. She's pretty, but when I first heard her sing, I dunno... my cousins heard her sing and they're like she's singing it wrong. (My cousins know Mandarin and Cantonese, I only know Cantonese. Boo-hoo. Although I forgot I have a couple of Mandarin songs... oh right... S.H.E. I forgot to upload their CD onto my computers.) However, her singing has improved at least.
9. Kusumi Koharu - She is dead last on both lists. I just can't get a liking to her, but I do think she's pretty. She's blossoming into a beautiful young lady, now drop the anime/cute voice, and try to sing with a normal voice Koharu-dear. You were better in the first couple singles you were in, now you've totally lost it. However, I do a couple of your anime songs. Balalaika and Koi Kana are given a chance on my list.
Berryz Koubou

1. Shimizu Saki - Captain! More lines NOW. She's a really good dancer and a good leader for Berryz. She might not be the prettiest, but she must have had something to be able to pass the auditions right? Her dancing skills. =] Now, GIVE HER MORE LINES DAYMN IT!
2. Tokunaga Chinami - This girl is the Yossy of Berryz Koubou. Meaning she's the funniest. She works good with both long and short hair. Ehs? *blinks* Didn't I just say that about someone else? Oh well... Chinami needs more lines too. GIVE HER MORE LINES TOO!
3. Sudou Maasa - She's pretty, but people need to understand her! She was given a chance to lead (in Anata Nashi de wa Ikite Yukenai, but after that, they gave up on her. Daymn it.) She needs more lines too.
4. Tsugunaga Momoko - I like Momoko, but for some reason... I don't know... seems a bit weird... I know, SHE'S USING HER KIDDY VOICE, it's not as intolerable as Koharu's but, she proves she can sing normally. Like in Kokuhaku no Funsui Hiroba and Dschinghis Khan (fine, it's only one line, but it's not the whiny voice at least.)
5. Kumai Yurina - Man is she tall. She's taller than me! And younger than me! She has a nice voice, but UFA, be nice, either keep her as a lead or suffer the consequences. Daymn, empty threat.
6. Sugaya Risako - I am seriously not a fan of her. She's pretty and all, but she's getting too much attention. She is like a camera whore because she's had 3 PBs already. I don't like her voice though. *sighs* (maybe a little... but whatever.)
7. Natsuyaki Miyabi - Maybe she should have been before Risako? I dont like her hair tied up like in Buono. Her voice isn't good for me either, but it's still not that bad. However, I love "Sprinter" with her and Saki. *blinks*

1. Okai Chisato - Yay! Cute little Chisato. She definitely needs more lines. UFA if you listening, if you respond my other requests, at least grant this one! C-ute are all talented. I fell for her with her short Ukare Romantic Mode moment and watching the concert performances of her. Her voice is TOTALLY underused. Oh yeah, at least she's in Athena & Robikerottsu with more lines. (I ordered their latest single, Seishun! Love Lunch... ^^;;)
2. Yajima Maimi - Maimi actually ranked #1 on my list before, but that was before I found out Chisato's amazing singing voice. =] However, Maimi still ranks in my top. I wonder what would happen if I ranked all members of Hello! Project... *blinks*
3. Umeda Erika -Erika needs more lines too. She's pretty, but I don't understand why she's not Captain. However, at least she got some of Megumi's lines in the indie singles. So there's lines for her there. =]
4. Suzuki Airi - I wasn't that much of a fan of her, but I must admit her singing is remarkable too. She can sound like Miki (at least before and for the song Boogie Train '03.) That was one of the first couple videos I saw with a HPK involved. And her vocals in Aa, remarkable for a 9-year-old. (I think she was 9.) However, some of her lines need to go to other members (besides Maimi.)
5. Nakajima Saki - The other Saki. She's getting more voice recognition in songs, but I still think there needs to be more Chisa. Saki's turning into a beautiful girl and needs more recognition too... (But I still say there needs to be more Chisa!) Her hair works great up or down. (Tokkaiko Junjou and Shouri no Big Wave!!!)
6. Hagiwara Mai - MaiMai! I actually call my other friend MaiMai too... xD (Maileeeeeee~) Mai is a cutie and she's getting some lines at least. She's good friends with Chisato and yays~ Their friendship is cute! Those two and Airi are great together. I love their performance of First Kiss. =] Mai is now officially the youngest person to appear as a participant on Kouhaku (out beating the last participant, Kago Ai (12 then) at 11. )and she is the youngest of the HPKs.
7. Arihara Kanna - I'm a bit biased, I don't really know Kanna much, but she can sing too. To tell you the truth, I can't really rank °C-ute easily, but Chisato is for sure at the top. xD Kanna has some weird facial expressions in some PVs, but she's pretty too. She doesn't seem like an outsider and actually belongs into °C-ute.
Additional Notes:
Morning Musume doesn't interest me as they used to (because Yossy and Miki are gone) but for a strange reason, I bought current CDs... Maybe because I decided to start buying merchandise a bit before Yossy and Miki left. I'm currently collecting some stuff and most of my stuff is Morning Musume. Just know this, Koharu isn't my favorite member of Morning Musume at all.
Berryz Koubou for me is an on and off thing. One moment I like them, another I don't. Really, I'm indecisive with them.
°C-ute is my new favorite group now. They're all vocally good, but line distribution still needs work.
I reallt like all your top picks, especially Saki of Berryz (what an underrated performer) and Chisato of C-ute (also outstanding amidst a group of seven crackerjacks). Eri was outed by a Japanese magazine by a former boyfriend who didn't use her real name; hopefully, it's not fatal.
Hi i was wondering you said that Risako-chan has 3 PBs already.. What is a PB?
Thank for your answer..your blog is cool!
It means Photobook.
LoL thanks, but I hardly update this blog anymore...
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