Seeing as I initially didn't want to do a summary of why they're this on my list... Now I feel encouraged to DO the summary... now if I forgot to LJ-cut this I'm sorry! I'll check it and fix it if it isn't LJ-cutted properly after this. ~_~;;; Also, some H!P is good for me now... ^^;;; As to that I haven't even touched H!P in a while since I was spending my time fangirling DBSK.
I'll start out backwards. ^^;;;
#10: Ishikawa Rika
I had a little trouble on figuring out who to put as #10. I was debating Rika or Sayumi, but Rika blew me away. XD She's really funny in the videos I can watch on youtube, she tries hard to stand out, and she's unique in that way. I really like most of the songs she's in, my favorite from Biyuuden at the moment is Koisuru Angel Heart, well it's been my favorite for a while.... I don't think it would have been the same if Rika wasn't in Morning Musume.
#9: Tokunaga Chinami
EH? I still have troubles spelling her family name... ~_~;;; Between C-ute, Berryz Koubou, and Morning Musume, Berryz's members' family names have always given me the most trouble. I think she's becoming prettier and prettier since her debut. I really like her with long hair, and she has a humor. I should watch more Berryz concerts. She just does all these funny things, it's hard not to like her.
#8: Niigaki Risa
Okay, Risa does outrank Sayu in my opinion. I love how she's become more beautiful since her debut, and lately she looks younger and younger. My friend Kyo thought she was "the youngest" besides Aika. When I told Kyo she's the third oldest, and the subleader, she wouldn't believe me! I just can't help but like Risa. =D I still like how her voice can be deep, and the group needs to be deeper, at least in my opinion.
#7: Kamei Eri
Eri... I just like her. =P Alright, I think her voice has improved these years, but I wish she had more lines in these singles? I really like her long hair, she's becoming prettier and prettier in my opinion. I think she's a great dual with Risa, but what happened to the EriSayu dual? I haven't really been paying attention to H!P that much in general anymore, but I still like Morning Musume, Eri included.
#6: Shimizu Saki
I just like her dancing. =3 She can sing, so please give her more lines please. However, whatever you guys are doing to her hair... ~_~;;; why does she look gangsterish in concerts? >.>;;; But I really like Captain. Captain will be #1 on my Berryz list for a long time, unless something REALLY happened, I don't see her falling from my list.
#5: Fujimoto Miki
MIKITTY. MIKITTY. I'm wondering why she's below Ayaya... but that's okay, I love both of them. =D GAM DUDES. I'm glad that she's settling down and getting married in June. I wish the best of luck to her! I think she's really pretty and I love her faster tempo songs. She has a great voice, and is very cute! =]
#4: Matsuura Aya
Ayaya... Ayaya.... Ayaya! Oh man... I really love her songs... funny how I'm listening to the instrumental version of Momoiro Kataomoi. I really like Zutto Suki de Ii Desu Ka. I really should try to understand her songs, since I'm learning Japanese because whenever I read the translations, it really touches me. I think Egao is just beautiful. Ahhs... I saw a video of Ayaya, BoA and DBSK on HEY!HEY!HEY! and I was like. =OOOOOOOO
#3: Okai Chisato
Chisa. ♥ She's the only °C-ute member on my list, and she'll be my favorite for a while. I know before, like a long time ago, it was Maimi, but Chisa has totally gone up on my list. Now... if only Chisa gets more lines in songs... she has the voice... why not give it to her UFA? nslkfjlsadkjf I know she can't dance that well, but Jaejoong can't dance that well and he's still one of the main vocals... I like how she's becoming prettier and prettier, even though she's the shortest... (almost wrote youngest... but we all know that's MaiMai)
#2: Mitsui Aika
Aika~ I like her spunk. =P She went higher on my list than Eri... from last time I did one for just Morning Musume Eri was higher, but nowadays I prefer Aika. =D I still think she's the "miracle" in my opinion. Kyo thinks she's the cutest and she hasn't lost her cuteness. Compared to Koharu, Aika is the better choice. Kyo thought Koharu was 18/19 or so. ~_~;;; But she guess Aika as 13/14. She's too adorable. Ohs Aika... ♥ Give her lines please! 8th gen needs more love in songs!
#1: Yoshizawa Hitomi
Okay, who didn't see this coming? I mean come on... everyone who knows me knows that Yossy belongs as my #1. It was because of Yossy that I was able to meet Rainbow. Rainbow hunny, we have to thanky Yossy for bringing us together! I like how she's changed her appearance over the years, but her personality is still the same. Funny and just ♥. I don't like how she's become so skinny these days, and needs to eat more, but she's become such a beautiful woman. Yossyyyyy.
Okay, so my love for Yossy wouldn't change, and I really like my choices. =] And I really did try not to talk about DBSK, but I couldn't help it. D: I will still like H!P but, DBSK really gets to me because they're 1) guys, 2) they're bilingual and it just makes me lsdkjflsdf. Hey wait a minute.... in that video... does that mean Yunho wears glasses just as an accessory and he doesn't really need glasses because they were lens-less.... WUT. But that's okay, he's still hot with them on. slfkjlsdkf ♥_♥ AHHHS this has become a DBSK entry instead of H!P... HEY, I don't like the group members of Guardians 4... it's awkward... ~_~;;; No more to talk about? Going back to those DBSK youtube videos. =D
Cross posted to my livejournal.
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