Saturday, June 09, 2012

「この地球の平和を本気で願ってるんだよ!」 -  モーニング娘。(Another Ver.)


Song Title = 「この地球の平和を本気で願ってるんだよ!」
Artist =  モーニング娘。
Single Number = 47th Single
Members =
     高橋愛/Takahashi Ai (Leader, last single)
     新垣里沙/Niigaki Risa (Sub-leader)
     道重さゆみ/Michishige Sayumi
     田中れいな/ Tanaka Reina
     光井愛佳/Mitsui Aika
     譜久村聖/ Fukumura Mizuki
     生田衣梨奈/Ikuta Erina
     鞘師里保/Sayashi Riho
     鈴木香音/Suzuki Kanon
Generations =
     5th Generation (Takahashi Ai + Niigaki Risa)
     6th Generation (Michishige Sayumi + Tanaka Reina)
     8th Generation (Mitsui Aika)
     9th Generation (Fukumura Mizuki + Ikuta Erina + Sayashi Riho + Suzuki Kanon)

「Personal opinion」
Alright, so for the next song I'm writing about is the first of the double A-side single, "Kono Chikyuu no Heiwa wo Honki de Negatterun da yo!". This song is practically 1/3 Reina, 1/3 Ai, 1/6 Riho, 1/6 Risa in terms of line distribution (give or take a couple of lines between Reina and Ai). Well this was Ai's last single with Morning Musume, and she had her own version of the single with her solo 「自信もって夢を持って飛び立つから」(Jishin motte Yume wo Motte Tobitatsu kara). I have not listened to that song yet, so when I do, it'll be another post lol. 

The dance seems lackluster because it could have been better but I suppose the newer members can't dance as well as present members could, the only ones (at this time) out of the newbies are Mizuki and Riho since Fukuchan was an egg (therefore had dancing lessons before), and Riho was known for her dancing already by this time. The clothes are shiny... did they take apart the "Onna ni Sachi Are" clothes (which were taken apart from "The Peace"). Aika also couldn't dance because of her ankle, but they did have her standing there with the members in the other parts. Oh but hey, at least they had shoes this time! Unlike in "Onna ni Sachi Are" lol. Although the whole MV seems to be filmed on a green screen, what a great budget UFA has for them /sarcasm.

The song is... I haven't searched up the translations for it yet, but really "I'm really hoping for peace in this world"? It's a fun song though at least? I'm looking at the lyrics and I'm getting confused because there's so much kanji I don't know... maybe I'll try translating the song on my own since I can't seem to find lyrics anywhere =/. If I remember correctly when the song first came out I was a little disappointed at the song because it seemed like an album song rather than a single, but I'm starting to like it a lot more now. It doesn't help I'm continuously listening to the song while I'm writing this lol. 

The MV is soooooooooooo bright and shiny... like the outfits... the non-dancing part of the MV, the 9期 members look bored/awkward during parts of it, lol. Aika can only really sit/stand there otherwise she'd probably damage her ankle more. I honestly don't know what else to say about this song anymore, lol. Just listen to it? 

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